Yesterday, A female first time visitor was left stranded in Lagos Nigeria, after an Uber driver robbed her of over a million naira. The victim, who is a South African and has been identified as Mo (Mongy Mathobela), wrote: “I’m a visitor in Nigeria. I went to the bank to withdraw money in Lekki, so he saw the money that I had it in my bag. He left me stranded on the road luckily, I had my phone on me because I wanted to buy something on the side of the road. I even bought him food and paid him more than what he was supposed to be paid and inside my bag it was my passport and money 500k naira and $2000. Please help me share this so that I can get my passport and go back to my country my flight is on Thursday I do not have a passport. Pls help.” Now, the Uber driver has been arrested.. This exactly what happened plus all the SMS’ he sent his victim. “He was able to drive off with the bag because she was to pick up a document from one Yemi in bakare estate,agungi and head to Sou...